arsa  2.7
Namespaces | Enumerations
EMeshWriterEnums.h File Reference
#include "irrTypes.h"

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 Everything in the Irrlicht Engine can be found in this namespace.
 All scene management can be found in this namespace: Mesh loading, special scene nodes like octrees and billboards, ...


enum  irr::scene::EMESH_WRITER_TYPE {
  irr::scene::EMWT_IRR_MESH = MAKE_IRR_ID('i','r','r','m'), irr::scene::EMWT_COLLADA = MAKE_IRR_ID('c','o','l','l'), irr::scene::EMWT_STL = MAKE_IRR_ID('s','t','l',0), irr::scene::EMWT_OBJ = MAKE_IRR_ID('o','b','j',0),
  irr::scene::EMWT_PLY = MAKE_IRR_ID('p','l','y',0), irr::scene::EMWT_B3D = MAKE_IRR_ID('b', '3', 'd', 0)
 An enumeration for all supported types of built-in mesh writers. More...
enum  irr::scene::E_MESH_WRITER_FLAGS { irr::scene::EMWF_NONE = 0, irr::scene::EMWF_WRITE_LIGHTMAPS = 0x1, irr::scene::EMWF_WRITE_COMPRESSED = 0x2, irr::scene::EMWF_WRITE_BINARY = 0x4 }
 flags configuring mesh writing More...