arsa  2.7
Classes | Namespaces | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
SColor.h File Reference
#include "irrTypes.h"
#include "irrMath.h"

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class  irr::video::SColor
 Class representing a 32 bit ARGB color. More...
class  irr::video::SColorf
 Class representing a color with four floats. More...
class  irr::video::SColorHSL
 Class representing a color in HSL format. More...


 Everything in the Irrlicht Engine can be found in this namespace.
 The video namespace contains classes for accessing the video driver. All 2d and 3d rendering is done here.


enum  irr::video::ECOLOR_FORMAT {
  irr::video::ECF_A1R5G5B5 = 0, irr::video::ECF_R5G6B5, irr::video::ECF_R8G8B8, irr::video::ECF_A8R8G8B8,
  irr::video::ECF_DXT1, irr::video::ECF_DXT2, irr::video::ECF_DXT3, irr::video::ECF_DXT4,
  irr::video::ECF_DXT5, irr::video::ECF_PVRTC_RGB2, irr::video::ECF_PVRTC_ARGB2, irr::video::ECF_PVRTC_RGB4,
  irr::video::ECF_PVRTC_ARGB4, irr::video::ECF_PVRTC2_ARGB2, irr::video::ECF_PVRTC2_ARGB4, irr::video::ECF_ETC1,
  irr::video::ECF_ETC2_RGB, irr::video::ECF_ETC2_ARGB, irr::video::ECF_R16F, irr::video::ECF_G16R16F,
  irr::video::ECF_A16B16G16R16F, irr::video::ECF_R32F, irr::video::ECF_G32R32F, irr::video::ECF_A32B32G32R32F,
  irr::video::ECF_R8, irr::video::ECF_R8G8, irr::video::ECF_R16, irr::video::ECF_R16G16,
  irr::video::ECF_D16, irr::video::ECF_D32, irr::video::ECF_D24S8, irr::video::ECF_UNKNOWN
 An enum for the color format of textures used by the Irrlicht Engine. More...


u16 irr::video::RGBA16 (u32 r, u32 g, u32 b, u32 a=0xFF)
 Creates a 16 bit A1R5G5B5 color. More...
u16 irr::video::RGB16 (u32 r, u32 g, u32 b)
 Creates a 16 bit A1R5G5B5 color. More...
u16 irr::video::RGB16from16 (u16 r, u16 g, u16 b)
 Creates a 16bit A1R5G5B5 color, based on 16bit input values. More...
u16 irr::video::X8R8G8B8toA1R5G5B5 (u32 color)
 Converts a 32bit (X8R8G8B8) color to a 16bit A1R5G5B5 color. More...
u16 irr::video::A8R8G8B8toA1R5G5B5 (u32 color)
 Converts a 32bit (A8R8G8B8) color to a 16bit A1R5G5B5 color. More...
u16 irr::video::A8R8G8B8toR5G6B5 (u32 color)
 Converts a 32bit (A8R8G8B8) color to a 16bit R5G6B5 color. More...
u32 irr::video::A1R5G5B5toA8R8G8B8 (u16 color)
 Convert A8R8G8B8 Color from A1R5G5B5 color. More...
u32 irr::video::R5G6B5toA8R8G8B8 (u16 color)
 Returns A8R8G8B8 Color from R5G6B5 color. More...
u16 irr::video::R5G6B5toA1R5G5B5 (u16 color)
 Returns A1R5G5B5 Color from R5G6B5 color. More...
u16 irr::video::A1R5G5B5toR5G6B5 (u16 color)
 Returns R5G6B5 Color from A1R5G5B5 color. More...
u32 irr::video::getAlpha (u16 color)
 Returns the alpha component from A1R5G5B5 color. More...
u32 irr::video::getRed (u16 color)
 Returns the red component from A1R5G5B5 color. More...
u32 irr::video::getGreen (u16 color)
 Returns the green component from A1R5G5B5 color. More...
u32 irr::video::getBlue (u16 color)
 Returns the blue component from A1R5G5B5 color. More...
s32 irr::video::getAverage (s16 color)
 Returns the average from a 16 bit A1R5G5B5 color. More...


const c8 *const irr::video::ColorFormatNames [ECF_UNKNOWN+2]
 Names for ECOLOR_FORMAT types. More...