7. Font


            Font display in ARSA Framework using TTF font, user can download font from any where and bring to loading in program immediately. (done in update or hud function)

// load font, Nithan.ttf is font name, 100 is size

// draw font, write code at hud function

// You Win!!! is display text

// irr::core::recti(10,10,0,0) is boundary of text box 10, 10 is x and y axis

// 0, 0 is width and height of box.

// irr::video::SColor(255,255,255,100) is color ARGB respectively,255 is opaque

// 0 is transparent.

arsa_DrawFont(arsa_GetFont("Nithan.ttf", 100 ), "YOU WIN!", irr::core::recti(10,10,0,0), irr::video::SColor(255,255,255,100) );


// 100, 100 is x and y coordinate

arsa_DrawFont( arsa_GetFont("Nithan.ttf", 50 ), 100, 100, "Hello World" );


// 100, 200 is x and y axis

// This is center text is display text

// irr::arsa::EDT_CENTER is draw text alignment flags, value following by

//     irr::arsa::EDT_CENTER

//     irr::arsa::EDT_TOP

//     irr::arsa::EDT_BOTTOM

//     irr::arsa::EDT_LEFT

//     irr::arsa::EDT_RIGHT

//     irr::arsa::EDT_HFLIP

//     irr::arsa::EDT_VFLIP

//     irr::arsa::EDT_DEFAULT

// flags can orbit

// irr::video::SColor(255,0,0,255) is color ARGB respectively, 255 is opaque

// 0 is transparent.

arsa_DrawFont( arsa_GetFont("Nithan.ttf", 50 ), 100, 200, "This is center text", irr::arsa::EDF_CENTER, irr::video::SColor(255,255,0,255) );

