arsa  2.7
Classes | Namespaces
SVertexManipulator.h File Reference
#include "S3DVertex.h"
#include "SColor.h"

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struct  irr::scene::IVertexManipulator
 Interface for vertex manipulators. More...
class  irr::scene::SVertexColorSetManipulator
 Vertex manipulator to set color to a fixed color for all vertices. More...
class  irr::scene::SVertexColorSetAlphaManipulator
 Vertex manipulator to set the alpha value of the vertex color to a fixed value. More...
class  irr::scene::SVertexColorInvertManipulator
 Vertex manipulator which inverts the RGB values. More...
class  irr::scene::SVertexColorThresholdManipulator
 Vertex manipulator to set vertex color to one of two values depending on a given threshold. More...
class  irr::scene::SVertexColorBrightnessManipulator
 Vertex manipulator which adjusts the brightness by the given amount. More...
class  irr::scene::SVertexColorContrastManipulator
 Vertex manipulator which adjusts the contrast by the given factor. More...
class  irr::scene::SVertexColorContrastBrightnessManipulator
 Vertex manipulator which adjusts the contrast by the given factor and brightness by a signed amount. More...
class  irr::scene::SVertexColorGammaManipulator
 Vertex manipulator which adjusts the brightness by a gamma operation. More...
class  irr::scene::SVertexColorScaleManipulator
 Vertex manipulator which scales the color values. More...
class  irr::scene::SVertexColorDesaturateToLightnessManipulator
 Vertex manipulator which desaturates the color values. More...
class  irr::scene::SVertexColorDesaturateToAverageManipulator
 Vertex manipulator which desaturates the color values. More...
class  irr::scene::SVertexColorDesaturateToLuminanceManipulator
 Vertex manipulator which desaturates the color values. More...
class  irr::scene::SVertexColorInterpolateLinearManipulator
 Vertex manipulator which interpolates the color values. More...
class  irr::scene::SVertexColorInterpolateQuadraticManipulator
 Vertex manipulator which interpolates the color values. More...
class  irr::scene::SVertexPositionScaleManipulator
 Vertex manipulator which scales the position of the vertex. More...
class  irr::scene::SVertexPositionScaleAlongNormalsManipulator
 Vertex manipulator which scales the position of the vertex along the normals. More...
class  irr::scene::SVertexPositionTransformManipulator
 Vertex manipulator which transforms the position of the vertex. More...
class  irr::scene::SVertexNormalTransformManipulator
 Vertex manipulator which transforms the normal of the vertex. More...
class  irr::scene::SVertexTCoordsScaleManipulator
 Vertex manipulator which scales the TCoords of the vertex. More...


 Everything in the Irrlicht Engine can be found in this namespace.
 All scene management can be found in this namespace: Mesh loading, special scene nodes like octrees and billboards, ...