System requirements
Operating system: Android 4.2, iOS 12.0 and iPad OS
RAM: 512 MB
System requirements
Operating system: Android 4.2, iOS 12.0 and iPad OS
RAM: 512 MB
ARSA SDK 2.7 (180 Mb)
System requirements
Processor: 1 GHz
RAM: 512 MB
Disk space (minimum): 700 Mb
Operating system: Windows 7 or latest (64-bit Only!)
Android Pack
Android Pack 1.1 (1.0 Gb)
(Install same ARSA SDK folder)
System requirements
Processor: 1 GHz
RAM: 512 MB
Disk space (minimum): 5.0 Gb
Operating system: Windows 7 or latest (64-bit Only!)
Android Version: Android 4.2.2 (Jelly Bean) or latest.
Emulator: Bluestacks 3.x or latest.
Changed Log
2.7, 2023_11_8 - built-in psd layer with multi commands. - procreate fixed, founded bug by Mooping. - assets encoded - cdxlayer built-in command. - psd layer mask. - fixed lottie thread loading. - apng loader. - android api to 33 - new google play store java key. 2.6.1, 2022_11_22 - fixed bug video when load new psd file with no clear audio flag, founded bug by Nisit ChulalongkornUniversity, Edu Faculty. - audio video built-in. 2.6, 2022_11_18 - fixed bug pickup(), founded bug by Nisit ChulalongkornUniversity, Edu Faculty. - GPU programming and shader. (no doc) 2.5.4, 2022_9_19 - fixed google api 31. - fixed lottie with automatic garbage collector. - group get element by api. 2.5.3, 2022_6_1 - fixed psd bounding box from procreate. founded bug by MooPing. 2.5.2, 2022_3_24 - fixed curl null array - file and camera permission not worlk on android 10 API 30, otherwise work fine. - azure test passed - fixed #include path on android 2.5.1, 2022_3_22 - //!!!FIX BUG!!! 2022_3_22 By JIRAYU KAEWSING, satit swu (hight school) found this bug. thx. if change psd will return OnAnimate - added openfile() and openfilemulti() for selection on android/win32. 2.5, 2022_3_19 - added #inlcude <file> or #inlcude "file" in arsa script. - lottie animation and builtin script (lottie=) - base64 encode, decode - md5 hash - url encode - camera - scanvar re-scan string with current variable and math. - layer save to disk or string with base64, md5 - pickup layer - curl fixed bug (tested pass on: azure, google cloud and ai fo thai) - json get element or array by path - file to string - log on psd, array, map, xml - delete file - dpad (un document) - arsa studio - auto show log windows when arsa script error. - auto clear log windows when text over line limit. - fixed new C++ android project. - and a ton fixed bug 2.4, 2021_7_9 - Update ARSA Studio 64bit (not support windows xp anymore!) and using vc2019. - Update AI Compiling v.2.0 - Update third party lib to 64bit. ffmpeg-2.7.7 curl-7.63.0 openssl-1.1.0e freetype-2.6 SDL2 2.0.11 SDL_Mixer 2.0.4 irrlicht 1.9.0 angle 2.1 ms build - Update targetSDK to 30. - Build aab. - A new signed file: (in bin folder). - Added new ARSA Scipt API. - Removed android in-app billing :-( but banner and interstitial can work fine. 2.3.7D , 2020_10_8 - Update targetSDK to 29 bug report by RITAZZ; she is BSI student from TU. - Android Studio Update! 1. Change app icon via image. 2. Change splash screen of ARSA Framework via image. 3. Fix AI compiling duplicate compile when deploy. 4. Fix bug in machine have 2 display card. :-) 5. Process splash screen when background task starting. 6. New ARSA Studio mask. 2.3.7C , 2019_9_8 - Android 64bit! supported. - ARSA Script new functions supports: xml, json, dynamic array, string and curl. - Android set auto path after set arsa sdk path. - Discard xcopy.exe use c function copy file and folder. - Discard vc2015 Redistributable from external setup to built-in dll instread. - Thread programming, now support only C++ not ARSA Script and document less. - Fixed fonts when loading after free once. - PSD update group and animate programming V2. e.g. animate: group all layers (Ctrl+G) that you want to animate, so, rename group to: animate=name fps=15 play *animate sequencely top to down and default is 30 fps. group: group all layers (Ctrl+G) that you want to group, so, rename group to: group=name - PSD cache and merge functions added, now support only C++ not ARSA Script and document less. 2.3.7B , 2019_2_13 - C++ project absolutely free that have no depend on license control. - xml2json, json2xml - virtual dpad 2.3.7A , 2019_2_1 - build-in script come back again. 2.3.7 , 2019_1_21 - fixed bug license control 2.3.6 , 2019_1_13 - new license control, SDK still free, ARSA Studio purchase at - update third party tool android sdk api 28 jdk1.8.0_191 (stay on 32 bit!) apache-ant-1.10.5 curl-7.63.0 SDL 2.0.9 (Mercurial) - ARSA Script added error recognition. ;-) - fixed many bug 2.3.5 , 2018_8_16 - check version fixed 2.3.4 , 2018_7_27 - a ton changed. :-| 2.3.3 , 2017_2_10 - added strtok() - added touchclear(), see example arsa043_Studio_Manager_Misslie_Hit3 - fix if condition with whitespace - new examples arsa067_Studio_FSM_Light_Switch arsa068_FSM_Light_Switch arsa069_Studio_FSM_AI arsa070_Studio_FSM_AI_Advanced 2.3.2 , 2017_2_6 - Global variable, see example: arsa046_Studio_Var_Advance - fix audio/video, Founded bug by 4122403 Computer Graphics, student's DRU 3/58. GDM 353 Game Animation, student's KMUTT 2/59. - math in document ARSA Psd Script. 2.3.1 , 2017_2_3 - stable version. ;-) - added while, procedure, file. - speed up getlayerall. - fix bug. - full ARSA SDK document. - full examples on ARSA Psd Script arsa029_Studio_Touch arsa030_Studio_Hit arsa031_Studio_Text arsa032_Studio_Snd arsa034_Studio_Snd_Advance arsa035_Studio_Game arsa036_Studio_Video arsa037_Studio_VideoPsd arsa038_Studio_ScrollScene arsa039_Studio_ScrollScene_Layer arsa040_Studio_FSM_State_Select arsa041_Studio_Manager_Misslie arsa042_Studio_Manager_Misslie_Hit arsa043_Studio_Manager_Misslie_Hit2 arsa043_Studio_Manager_Misslie_Hit3 arsa044_Studio_Gage arsa045_Studio_Var arsa046_Studio_Var_Advance arsa047_Studio_Struct arsa048_Studio_For arsa049_Studio_For_Advance arsa050_Studio_Array_Var arsa051_Studio_Array_Struct arsa052_Studio_Array_Struct_Advance arsa053_Studio_If arsa054_Studio_If_Else arsa055_Studio_If_Else_Advance arsa056_Studio_Function arsa057_Studio_Procedure arsa058_Studio_While arsa059_Studio_ReadFile arsa060_Studio_ReadFile_From_Cloud arsa061_Studio_ReadFile_Unicode arsa062_Studio_WriteFile arsa063_Studio_Group arsa064_Studio_FSM_Run_Jump 2.3 (Perfect Script), 2017_1_31 - added array, stuct, ifelse - added new ARSA script function (total 81 functions) "ifelse(", "for(", "struct(", "setfps(", "getfps(", "log(", "strstr(", "return(", "setgamefps(", "getgamefps(", "getcurrentfps(", "setcolor(", "getcolor(", "setalpha(", "maxsize(", "screensize(", "winsize(", "setlandscape(", "setportrait(", - added new examples arsa043_Studio_Manager_Misslie_Hit3 arsa044_Studio_Var arsa045_Studio_Var_Advance arsa046_Studio_Struct arsa047_Studio_For arsa048_Studio_For_Advance arsa049_Studio_Array_Var arsa050_Studio_Array_Struct arsa050_Studio_Array_Struct_Advance arsa051_Studio_If arsa052_Studio_If_Else arsa053_Studio_If_Else_Advance arsa054_Studio_Gage - Fix bug function call function Founded bug by 4122403 Computer Graphics, student's DRU 3/58. - Fix bug function white space Founded bug by GDM 353 Game Animation, student's KMUTT 2/59. - Fix bug getlayerall() Founded bug by GDM 353 Game Animation, student's KMUTT 2/59. 2.2.9, 2017_1_23 - fix floating point display as text. Founded bug by 4122403 Computer Graphics, student's DRU 3/58. - full ARSA Psd Script document. 2.2.8, 2017_1_21 - added for script - added math expression 2.2.7, 2017_1_16 - improved perfermance. - ARSA Psd Script use function table. - fix whitespace in arsa script. Founded bug by 4122403 Computer Graphics, student's DRU 3/58. - fix bug. 2.2.6, 2017_1_13 - add new ARSA script function "moveoffset(", "getoffsetx(", "getoffsety(", "setorder(", "getorder(", "setdrawflags(", "getdrawflags(", "setrotflags(", "getrotflags(", "clonelayer(", "removelayer(", "getlayer(", "getlayerall(", "rot(", - aref, clone can set draw flags - script can check string as int or float. - add example ARSA Studio arsa029_Studio_Touch arsa030_Studio_Hit arsa031_Studio_Text arsa032_Studio_Snd arsa034_Studio_Snd_Advance arsa035_Studio_Game arsa036_Studio_Video arsa037_Studio_VideoPsd arsa038_Studio_ScrollScene arsa039_Studio_ScrollScene_Layer arsa040_Studio_FSM_State_Select 2.2.5, 2017_1_11 - check update new version ARSA Framework. - fix path doxygen. - added zip/unzip function. 2.2.4, 2017_1_10 - doxygen 2.2.3, 2017_1_8 - clear snd when call psd(xxx.psd) script - update SDL2 - ARSA Studio no esc exit - fix bug 2.2.2 - skip publish :-P 2.2.1, 2017_1_6 - New icon of ARSA Studio. - Independ with c:/arsa. - New vc++ project. - Drag and drop psd file. - Move adb.exe and adbdriverinstaller.exe to third party folder. - Bug fix. 2.2.0, 2017_1_4 - ARSA Studio - ARSA Psd Script - Bug fix 2.1.1, 2016_12_22 - add script visibleall() - audio/video, psd script programming - fix resize av class 2.1.0, 2016_12_20 - psd script programming 2.00, 2016_11_30 - Redeem code must present when new project. - New feature! ARSAJSon that support Spine: 2D animation. - ARSAPsd fix memory leak and stable using. - ARSASnd fix memory leak. - Add nowloading function. - Emulator skin. - Fix various bugs. - Seed random code, Report by: นายปิยะพัชร ตัวแทนจากกลุ่ม Match Warrior - Kmutt's Student - 2016. - Games powered by ARSA Framework on Google Play Store. (more than 50 games) - KMUTT 1-59, - KMUTT 1-58, - DRU 1-58, - Website and facebook SIPA GAME CONTEST 2010, Award winners, 150,000 Bath. เกม Flora Evil (ทีม PS-Power) ม.รังสิต นางสาวประทุมทิพย์ อ้อยกาม นักศึกษาชั้นปีที่ 3 นายสุริยา ทวีศรี นักศึกษาชั้นปีที่ 4 SIPA GAME CONTEST 2010, Reward, 10,000 Bath. เกม TUK TUK (ทีม URUSAL) ม.รังสิต นักศึกษาชั้นปีที่ 3 สาขาวิชาคอมพิวเตอร์เกมมัลติมีเดีย นายภูวิศ ทิพย์อาภากุล นายพิริยะ หวังนิลรัตน์ นายณพล ศิริภิบาล นางสาวนายิกา มาลาสุทธิ์ นักศึกษาชั้นปีที่ 3 สาขาวิชาคอมพิวเตอร์อาร์ต คณะดิจิทัลอาร์ต นายอัครพล ศีลวัตสกุล Cmm342 Games Development 1 - 2016 Cmm342 Game Development 1 - 2015 CMM342 Game, November 9, 2014 ITDRU 56/25, April 18, 2016 Games Exhibition KMUTT, วันศุกร์ที่ 23 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554 Games Exhibition KMUTT, นิทรรศการเกมมัลติมีเดียบางมด (3D), December 6, 2014 1.11.2 - Fix reset offset after load new psd, Founded bug by Pimpisa Suwattanapiset CMM342 student's KMUTT 1/58. 1.11.1 - Fix bug animation in psd, Founded bug by วสุธิดา ศิริอารยา CMM342 student's KMUTT 1/58. 1.11 - Add new example. arsa010_ScrollScene arsa012_FSM_State_Select arsa013_FSM_Run_Jump arsa014_Manager_Misslie arsa015_Manager_Misslie_Hit - Fix screensize script. Report by Takoyak1 CMM342 student's KMUTT 1/58. - Add new function in class arsa psd. 1.10 - Fix animation flip, Founded bug by Pimpisa Suwattanapiset CMM342 student's KMUTT 1/58. 1.9 - Fix error code 52 when loading first time.