arsa  2.7
Macros | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
arsa.h File Reference
#include "arsa_begin_code.h"
#include <SDL/SDL_main.h>
#include <irrlicht.h>
#include <arsa_xml.h>
#include <CARSAInput.h>
#include <CARSAPsd.h>
#include <CARSASpine.h>
#include <CARSADPad.h>
#include <CAVSceneNode.h>
#include <cdxsnd.h>
#include <cdxlottie.h>
#include <poly.h>
#include <arsa_pak.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


 ARSA FRAMEWORK SDK Version. More...
#define ARSA_SDK_VERSION   "2.7"


typedef void arsaFunc(void)
 device More...
typedef void arsaFuncLoading(const char *filename, const char *msg, void *userdata, int num, int count)




ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_EasyStart (const irr::core::stringc &code=irr::core::stringc())
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_Init (irr::IrrlichtDevice *device, const irr::core::dimension2du &screensize=irr::core::dimension2du(960, 640))
 arsa_Init must call first and arsa_Quit call when exit program More...
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_Clear ()
 clear all memory More...
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetUserString (const irr::core::stringc &str)
 set user string More...
ARSA_API irr::core::stringc ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetUserString ()
 get user string More...
ARSA_API irr::core::stringc ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetRedeemCode ()
 set user redeem code More...
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetSplashScreen (const irr::io::path &filename)
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetPortrait (bool flip=true)
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetPortraitLandscape (bool flip=true)
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetLandscape (bool flip=true)
ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_IsPortrait ()
ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_IsLandscape ()
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_MaskShow (bool show)
ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_IsMaskShow ()
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetWindowSize (const irr::core::dimension2du &size)
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetScreenSize (const irr::core::dimension2du &size)
ARSA_API const irr::core::dimension2du &ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetScreenSize ()
ARSA_API const irr::core::dimension2du &ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetWindowSize ()
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetBgColor (const irr::video::SColor &color)
ARSA_API const irr::video::SColor &ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetBgColor ()
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetFuncInit (arsaFunc *func)
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetFuncDeInit (arsaFunc *func)
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetFuncUpdate (arsaFunc *func)
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetFuncUpdatePre (arsaFunc *func)
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetFuncUpdatePost (arsaFunc *func)
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetFuncUpdateInactive (arsaFunc *func)
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetFuncHud (arsaFunc *func)
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetFuncLoading (arsaFuncLoading *func, void *userdata=0)
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_NowLoading (const char *filename, const char *msg, int num=-1, int count=-1)
ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetOutside ()
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetOutside (bool out)
ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetAlwaysRun ()
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetAlwaysRun (bool enable)
ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetManualInput ()
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetManualInput (bool enable)
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetOffset (const irr::core::vector3df &offset)
ARSA_API const irr::core::vector3df &ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetOffset ()
 run timer and event More...
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_Begin ()
 begin rendering More...
 end rendering More...
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetEscExitEnable (bool enable)
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetFPS (irr::u16 fps=60)
 default = 60 More...
ARSA_API irr::core::stringc ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetUUID ()
 get uuid More...
ARSA_API irr::core::stringc ARSACALLCONV arsa_PackageName ()
 get packagename More...
ARSA_API irr::core::stringc ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetVersion ()
ARSA_API irr::core::stringc ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetPlatform ()
 Use this function to get the name of the platform. More...
ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetGdpr ()
 user agreed GDPR More...
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_Delay (irr::u32 millisec)
 delay with millisec unit More...
ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_OpenNowLoading (const irr::io::path &psd_filename, bool psd_only=true)
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_CloseNowLoading ()
ARSA_API irr::u32 ARSACALLCONV arsa_OpenFileToMemory (const irr::io::path &my_url, irr::core::stringc &out_buf)
ARSA_API irr::u8 *ARSACALLCONV arsa_OpenFileToMemory (const irr::io::path &my_url, irr::u32 &out_len)
ARSA_API irr::u8 *ARSACALLCONV arsa_OpenFileToMemory (irr::io::IReadFile *fp, irr::u32 &out_len)
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_FreeFileToMemory (void **dead)
 free memory from arsa_OpenFileToMemory(). More...
ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_SaveFileFromMemory (const irr::io::path &filename, const irr::core::stringc &in_buf, irr::u32 custom_size=0)
ARSA_API irr::io::IReadFile *ARSACALLCONV arsa_OpenFileFromServer (const irr::io::path &my_url, bool usemem=true, const irr::io::path &filename_ex=irr::io::path())
 open file from server, must drop pointer More...
ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_Download (const irr::io::path &my_url, const irr::io::path &filename_ex=irr::io::path(), irr::u32 download_size_byte=0)
ARSA_API irr::core::stringc ARSACALLCONV arsa_SendDataToServer (const irr::io::path &my_url, irr::io::IAttributes *att=0)
ARSA_API irr::core::stringc ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetHtmlParams (irr::io::IAttributes *att)
ARSA_API irr::core::stringc ARSACALLCONV arsa_fgets (irr::io::IReadFile *fp)
ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_eof (irr::io::IReadFile *fp)
ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_IsUrl (const irr::io::path &my_url)
ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_ExistFile (const irr::io::path &filename)
ARSA_API irr::video::ITexture *ARSACALLCONV arsa_ExistTexture (const irr::io::path &filename)
ARSA_API irr::io::IReadFile *ARSACALLCONV arsa_CreateAndOpenFile (const irr::io::path &filename)
ARSA_API irr::io::IWriteFile *ARSACALLCONV arsa_CreateAndWriteFile (const irr::io::path &filename, bool append=false)
ARSA_API irr::io::IWriteFile *ARSACALLCONV arsa_CreateMemoryWriteFile (const irr::io::path &filename)
ARSA_API irr::io::IReadFile *ARSACALLCONV arsa_CreateMemoryReadFile (const void *memory, irr::s32 len, const irr::io::path &fileName, bool deleteMemoryWhenDropped=false)
ARSA_API irr::io::path ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetDir (const irr::io::path &filename)
ARSA_API irr::io::path ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetFile (const irr::io::path &filename, bool keepExtension=true)
ARSA_API irr::io::path ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetAbsPath (const irr::io::path &filename)
ARSA_API int ARSACALLCONV arsa_fprintf (irr::io::IWriteFile *fp, const char *str,...)
ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_Zip (const void *unzip, irr::u32 size, irr::core::array< irr::u8 > &out_zip)
ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_UnZip (const void *zip, irr::u32 size, irr::core::array< irr::u8 > &out_unzip)
ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_ZipToFile (const void *unzip, irr::u32 size, const irr::io::path &filename)
ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_UnZipFromFile (const irr::io::path &filename, irr::core::array< irr::u8 > &out_unzip)
ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_OpenXml (const irr::io::path &filename, arsa_xml_doc &out_doc)
ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_DeleteFile (const irr::io::path &filename)
ARSA_API irr::s32 ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetArchiveType (const irr::core::stringc &archive_name)
ARSA_API irr::core::stringc ARSACALLCONV arsa_StringToBinary (const irr::core::stringc &str)
ARSA_API irr::core::stringc ARSACALLCONV arsa_BinaryToString (const irr::core::stringc &bin)
ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_IsDriveLetter (const irr::io::path &filename)
ARSA_API irr::core::stringc ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetRandomFilename ()
 return random number with filename as prefix, no extension: ARSA_452361258 More...
ARSA_API irr::s32 ARSACALLCONV arsa_StringFind (const irr::core::stringc &src, const irr::core::stringc &str, irr::u32 start, bool reverse)
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_ClearQueueRendering ()
 render More...
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_AddQueueRendering (irr::u32 mb_id, const irr::scene::IMeshBuffer *mb, irr::u32 order=0, const irr::core::matrix4 *world=0, bool needFreeMem=false, const irr::core::rectf *cliprect=0, const irr::core::array< irr::video::IVideoDriver::SShaderConstant > *sv=0)
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_AddQueueRendering (irr::scene::ISceneNode *node, irr::u32 order=0, bool needFreeMem=false, const irr::core::rectf *cliprect=0, const irr::core::array< irr::video::IVideoDriver::SShaderConstant > *sv=0)
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_DrawQueueRendering (bool auto_clear=true)
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_RemoveQueueRendering (irr::u32 mb_id, const irr::scene::IMeshBuffer *mb, irr::u32 order)
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_RemoveQueueRendering (irr::scene::ISceneNode *node, irr::u32 order)
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_Draw2DtoMeshBuffer (irr::scene::IMeshBuffer &in_out_mb, irr::video::IVideoDriver *driver, irr::video::ITexture *texture, const irr::core::rect< irr::s32 > &sourceRect, const irr::core::position2di &position, const irr::core::position2di &rotationPoint=irr::core::position2di(0, 0), irr::f32 rotation=0, const irr::core::vector2df &scale=irr::core::vector2df(1, 1), const irr::video::SColor &color=irr::video::SColor(255, 255, 255, 255))
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_DrawOnce (int x, int y, irr::video::ITexture *tex)
 draw a texture immediately on screen, included begin, end More...
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_DrawAllOnce (bool device_run=true, bool include_begin_end=true, arsaFunc *hud=0)
ARSA_API irr::video::IImage *ARSACALLCONV arsa_CreateScreenShot ()
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_ClearStuckTexture (irr::video::IVideoDriver *driver)
 clear and clean stuck texture on irrlicht system :-( More...
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_FreeRTTex (irr::video::IVideoDriver *driver, irr::video::ITexture **tex)
 free and remove ITexture from irrlicht system More...
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_FreeRT (irr::video::IVideoDriver *driver, irr::video::IRenderTarget **rt)
 free and remove IRenderTarget from irrlicht system More...
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_draw2DImage (irr::video::IVideoDriver *driver, irr::video::ITexture *texture, const irr::core::rect< irr::s32 > &sourceRect, const irr::core::position2d< irr::s32 > &position, const irr::core::position2d< irr::s32 > &rotationPoint, irr::f32 rotation, const irr::core::vector2df &scale, bool useAlphaChannel, const irr::video::SColor &color)
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_Line2D (int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int W, bool fill, const irr::video::SColor &color, irr::video::ITexture *tex, irr::video::E_MATERIAL_TYPE shader)
 Draws line 2d with thickness. More...
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_Poly2D (irr::core::position2di center, irr::f32 radius, bool fill, irr::video::SColor color, irr::s32 count, irr::video::ITexture *tex, irr::video::E_MATERIAL_TYPE shader, int start_percent, int end_percent)
ARSA_API irr::arsa::CARSASpine *ARSACALLCONV arsa_AddSpine ()
 scenenode More...
ARSA_API irr::arsa::CARSAPsd *ARSACALLCONV arsa_AddPsd ()
ARSA_API irr::arsa::CAVSceneNode *ARSACALLCONV arsa_AddAV ()
ARSA_API irr::scene::ICameraSceneNode *ARSACALLCONV arsa_AddCameraSceneNodeFPSTouch (irr::CARSAInput &input, irr::f32 speed=200, irr::f32 rot=100)
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_Log (const char *str,...)
 log More...
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_MsgBox (char *str,...)
 show message box More...
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_AddLogs (int x, int y, char *str,...)
 add log to ARSA system and draw on screen with arsa_DrawLogs() More...
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_ClearLogs ()
 clear log to ARSA system More...
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_DrawLogs (irr::gui::IGUIFont *font=0, bool auto_clear=true)
 draw log to screen More...
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV debug_printf (const char *str,...)
 unstable function More...
ARSA_API irr::s32 ARSACALLCONV arsa_clamp_int (const irr::s32 value, const irr::s32 start, const irr::s32 end)
 utils More...
ARSA_API irr::f32 ARSACALLCONV arsa_clamp_float (const irr::f32 value, const irr::f32 start, const irr::f32 end)
ARSA_API irr::core::vector3df ARSACALLCONV arsa_clamp_vector3df (const irr::core::vector3df &value, const irr::f32 start, const irr::f32 end)
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_printc (irr::core::stringc &out_c, char *str,...)
ARSA_API irr::core::stringc ARSACALLCONV arsa_printc (const char *str,...)
ARSA_API irr::f32 ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetZRot (const irr::core::vector3df &pos, const irr::core::vector3df &target)
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_RotatePointAroundPivot (irr::core::vector3df &inout_point, const irr::core::vector3df &pivot, const irr::core::matrix4 &m)
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetVector3df (const irr::core::stringc &keys, irr::core::array< irr::core::vector3df > &out_vectors)
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetVector2df (const irr::core::stringc &keys, irr::core::array< irr::core::vector2df > &out_vectors)
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetInt (const irr::core::stringc &keys, irr::core::array< int > &out_ints)
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetFloat (const irr::core::stringc &keys, irr::core::array< irr::f32 > &out_floats)
ARSA_API irr::u32 ARSACALLCONV arsa_RandRange (irr::u32 nmin, irr::u32 nmax)
 random number between range min -> max More...
ARSA_API irr::core::stringc ARSACALLCONV arsa_RandString (irr::u32 len, bool number_only=false)
 random string More...
ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_IsFloat (const irr::core::stringc &value)
 string is floating point More...
ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_IsFloatFractional (double value)
 float is has fractional e.g. 1.056 More...
ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_IsInt (const irr::core::stringc &value)
 string is integer More...
ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_IsNumber (const irr::core::stringc &value)
 string are float or integer More...
ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_IsString (const irr::core::stringc &value, irr::s32 *out_start=0, irr::s32 *out_end=0)
 is string between double quote More...
ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_IsSpace (const char value)
 is space on this char \0
\t \v \f \r More...
ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_IsSpace (const irr::core::stringc &value)
 is space on this string (macro on char) More...
ARSA_API irr::core::stringc ARSACALLCONV arsa_FloatToString (const double number)
 convert float to string with 3 fractional (%.3f) More...
ARSA_API irr::core::stringc ARSACALLCONV arsa_StringIntFloatToString (const irr::core::stringc &value)
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SkipWhite (irr::core::stringc &str, const irr::core::stringc &replace=irr::core::stringc(" \t\n\r\0"))
 clear white space in string More...
ARSA_API int ARSACALLCONV arsa_CountChar (const irr::core::stringc &s, char cc)
 count char on string More...
ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_IsWhiteSpace (const irr::c8 ch, const irr::core::stringc &replace=irr::core::stringc(" \t\n\r\0"))
 is string have white space More...
ARSA_API irr::core::stringc ARSACALLCONV arsa_ReplaceWhiteSpace (const irr::core::stringc &str)
ARSA_API irr::core::stringc ARSACALLCONV arsa_SkipWhiteHeadTail (const irr::core::stringc &str, const irr::core::stringc &replace=irr::core::stringc(" \t\n\r\0"))
 clear white space on head and tail of string More...
ARSA_API irr::core::array< irr::core::stringc > ARSACALLCONV arsa_TokenFunction (const irr::core::stringc &param)
 use '(' and ')' as token More...
ARSA_API irr::core::array< irr::core::stringc > ARSACALLCONV arsa_TokenParams (const irr::core::stringc &param)
 use ',' as token More...
ARSA_API irr::u32 ARSACALLCONV arsa_TokenString (const irr::core::stringc &str, irr::core::array< irr::core::stringc > &out_str, const irr::core::stringc &tok_chars=" |,", bool use_all_tok_chars=false)
 default use '|' or ',' or ' ' to token string More...
ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_IsMathFunction (const irr::core::stringc &expression, irr::s32 start=0, irr::s32 *out_pos=0)
ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_Calculation (const irr::core::stringc &expression, double &out_value)
ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_Calculation (const irr::core::stringc &expression, irr::core::stringc &out_value_str)
ARSA_API irr::u32 ARSACALLCONV arsa_TokenArraySizeFromString (const irr::core::stringc &str, irr::core::stringc *out_name=0)
ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_TokenArrayNameAndSize (const irr::core::stringc &str, irr::core::stringc *out_name, irr::core::stringc *out_size, irr::core::stringc *out_name_end)
ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_TokenStringBetween (const irr::core::stringc &str, irr::core::stringc &out_str, irr::c8 tok_char_start='"', irr::c8 tok_char_end = '"')
ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_IsUTF8 (const irr::core::stringc &str)
 check string is utf-8 encoding More...
ARSA_API irr::core::stringw ARSACALLCONV arsa_ConvertToStringW (const irr::core::stringc &str)
ARSA_API irr::core::stringc ARSACALLCONV arsa_MakeGUID (bool with_letter=true)
ARSA_API irr::core::vector3df ARSACALLCONV arsa_Get3DFrom2D (irr::core::vector3df pos2D)
ARSA_API irr::core::vector3df ARSACALLCONV arsa_Get2DFrom3D (irr::core::vector3df pos3D)
 get 2d position from 3d vector, depend on virtual screen. More...
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetCamera2D (const irr::core::vector3df &size=irr::core::vector3df())
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_BeginMask (bool clear=true, bool clear_depth=true)
 mask custom function More...
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_EndMask ()
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_LoadMask ()
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetFeature (bool mipmap, bool memcpy)
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_RestoreFeature ()
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_Init2DSMeshBuffer (irr::scene::SMeshBuffer &in_out_mb)
ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetPcxPal (const irr::io::path &filename, irr::u8 idx, irr::video::SColor &out_pal)
ARSA_API irr::video::ITexture *ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetTexture (const irr::io::path &Filename, bool use_mem=false)
ARSA_API irr::core::stringc ARSACALLCONV arsa_Base64Encode (const unsigned char *src, size_t len)
ARSA_API irr::core::stringc ARSACALLCONV arsa_Base64Decode (const void *data, const size_t len)
ARSA_API irr::core::stringc ARSACALLCONV arsa_UrlEncode (const irr::core::stringc &str)
ARSA_API irr::core::stringc ARSACALLCONV arsa_UrlDecode (const irr::core::stringc &str)
ARSA_API irr::core::stringc ARSACALLCONV arsa_MD5 (const unsigned char *src, size_t len)
ARSA_API irr::core::stringc ARSACALLCONV arsa_SHA256 (const unsigned char *src, size_t len)
ARSA_API irr::gui::IGUIFontarsa_GetBuiltInFont (irr::u32 size=0)
 font More...
ARSA_API irr::gui::IGUIFont *ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetFont (const irr::io::path &filename, irr::u32 size=28)
ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_RemoveFont (const irr::io::path &filename, irr::u32 size)
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_RemoveAllFont ()
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_ClearQueueDrawFont ()
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_DrawQueueFont (bool auto_clear=true)
 clear automatic after draw More...
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_DrawFont (irr::gui::IGUIFont *font, int x, int y, const irr::core::stringw &text, irr::u32 flags=irr::arsa::EDF_DEFAULT, const irr::video::SColor &color=irr::video::SColor(0xffffffff))
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_DrawFont (irr::gui::IGUIFont *font, const irr::core::stringw &text, const irr::core::rect< irr::s32 > &position, irr::video::SColor color=irr::video::SColor(0xffffffff), bool hcenter=false, bool vcenter=false, const irr::core::rect< irr::s32 > *clip=0)
 draw font alias to irrlicht font function More...
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_DrawFontPsd (irr::arsa::CARSAPsd *psd, const irr::core::stringc &layer_name, irr::gui::IGUIFont *font, const irr::core::stringw &text, irr::u32 flags=irr::arsa::EDF_DEFAULT, const irr::video::SColor &color=irr::video::SColor(0xffffffff))
 draw font use position from psd layer More...
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_DrawFontPsdArea (irr::arsa::CARSAPsd *psd, const irr::core::stringc &layer_name, const irr::core::stringc &area_layer_name, irr::gui::IGUIFont *font, const irr::core::stringw &text, irr::u32 flags=irr::arsa::EDF_DEFAULT, const irr::video::SColor &color=irr::video::SColor(0xffffffff))
ARSA_API irr::video::ITexture *ARSACALLCONV arsa_AllocateTexture (irr::video::IVideoDriver *driver, irr::video::IImage *src, irr::video::ITexture *dead, const irr::io::path &filename)
 allocate new gpu texture from system image and keep system image as buffer. More...
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_UpdateTexture (irr::video::IVideoDriver *driver, irr::video::IImage *src, irr::video::ITexture *tex)
 update gpu texture from system image. More...
ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_ResizeImg (const irr::io::path &filename, const irr::io::path &new_filename, const irr::core::dimension2du &new_size)
ARSA_API irr::video::IImage *ARSACALLCONV arsa_ResizeImg (const irr::video::IImage *src, const irr::core::dimension2du &new_size)
 arsa_ResizeImg need to drop return a new image pointer. More...
ARSA_API irr::video::ITexture *ARSACALLCONV arsa_ResizeTexture (irr::video::ITexture *tex, const irr::core::dimension2du &new_size)
 arsa_ResizeTexture optional or not: to drop return a new texture pointer or call driver->removeTexture() More...
ARSA_API void arsa_PlatformInit ()
 !!!local used only!!! automatic calling in arsa_Init() More...
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetUUIDAndPackage (irr::core::stringc &out_uuid, irr::core::stringc &out_package_name)
 get uuid and package name More...
ARSA_API irr::io::path ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetWritePath (const irr::io::path &filename, irr::arsa::CARSAPsd *psd=0)
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_CommerceInit ()
 init arsa commerce api each platform, don't free More...
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV adInt_Init (const char *unit_id)
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV ad_Init (const char *unit_id, bool align_top=true)
 banner More...
ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV ad_SetVisible (bool visible=true)
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV iap_Init (const irr::core::stringc &key)
 in-app purchase More...
ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV iap_Buy (const irr::core::stringc &item_name)
 purchase successed is true or failed is false. More...
ARSA_API irr::core::stringc ARSACALLCONV iap_GetPrice (const irr::core::stringc &item_name)
 get price from store More...
ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_OpenURL (const irr::core::stringc &url, bool webapp=false, bool use_webbrowser=false)
 open url More...
ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_PhoneCall (const irr::core::stringc &phonenumber)
 phone call More...
ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_ShareFile (const irr::core::stringc &mailto, const irr::core::stringc &subject, const irr::core::stringc &msg, const irr::core::stringc &filename)
 share text and file More...
ARSA_API irr::core::stringc ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetScreenShotPathAndName ()
 get a random name of screenshot More...
ARSA_API irr::core::stringc ARSACALLCONV arsa_SaveScreenShot (bool silent=false)
ARSA_API irr::f32 arsa_GetPosYSoftKeyboard ()
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_Notify (const char *str,...)
ARSA_API irr::core::stringc ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetGPS ()
ARSA_API irr::io::path ARSACALLCONV arsa_camera ()
ARSA_API irr::core::array< irr::io::path > ARSACALLCONV arsa_openFile ()
 start openfile dialog More...
ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_voiceStart (const irr::io::path &filename)
ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_voiceStop ()
ARSA_API irr::u32 ARSACALLCONV arsa_ShaderConstSize (irr::video::IVideoDriver::E_SHADER_VAR_TYPE type)
 return size of shader var More...


ARSA_API irr::IrrlichtDeviceg_device
 global var More...
ARSA_API irr::scene::ISceneManagerg_smgr
ARSA_API irr::io::IFileSystemg_fs
ARSA_API irr::video::IVideoDriverg_driver
ARSA_API irr::gui::IGUIEnvironmentg_gui
ARSA_API irr::ITimerg_timer
ARSA_API irr::ILoggerg_log
ARSA_API irr::IRandomizerg_rand
ARSA_API irr::arsa::CARSAPsdg_psd
ARSA_API irr::arsa::CARSAPsdg_mask_psd
ARSA_API irr::arsa::CARSADPadg_dpad
ARSA_API irr::scene::ICameraSceneNodeg_camera
ARSA_API irr::CARSAInputg_input
ARSA_API CDXLottieg_lottie

Macro Definition Documentation


#define ARSA_SDK_VERSION   "2.7"

Definition at line 8 of file arsa.h.




Definition at line 5 of file arsa.h.



Definition at line 6 of file arsa.h.



Definition at line 7 of file arsa.h.

Typedef Documentation

◆ arsaFunc

typedef void arsaFunc(void)


Definition at line 95 of file arsa.h.

◆ arsaFuncLoading

typedef void arsaFuncLoading(const char *filename, const char *msg, void *userdata, int num, int count)

Definition at line 96 of file arsa.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation



Definition at line 555 of file arsa.h.

556 {
557  EAIF_NONE = 0,
558  EAIF_LOADED = 2,
559  EAIF_CLOSED = 4, // close ad
560  EAIF_OPENED = 8, // notuse!
561  EAIF_ERROR = 16,
562  EAIF_LEFT_APP = 32 // click ad
563 };

Function Documentation

◆ ad_Free()


◆ ad_Init()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV ad_Init ( const char *  unit_id,
bool  align_top = true 


◆ ad_SetVisible()

ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV ad_SetVisible ( bool  visible = true)

◆ adInt_Init()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV adInt_Init ( const char *  unit_id)

interstitial don't need free ???

◆ adInt_Show()


this's loop and wait user click on ads. successed return EAIF_CLOSED or EAIF_LEFT_APP EAIF_CLOSED = close ad EAIF_LEFT_APP = click ad

◆ arsa_AddAV()

◆ arsa_AddCameraSceneNodeFPSTouch()

ARSA_API irr::scene::ICameraSceneNode* ARSACALLCONV arsa_AddCameraSceneNodeFPSTouch ( irr::CARSAInput input,
irr::f32  speed = 200,
irr::f32  rot = 100 

◆ arsa_AddLogs()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_AddLogs ( int  x,
int  y,
char *  str,

add log to ARSA system and draw on screen with arsa_DrawLogs()

◆ arsa_AddPsd()

◆ arsa_AddQueueRendering() [1/2]

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_AddQueueRendering ( irr::u32  mb_id,
const irr::scene::IMeshBuffer mb,
irr::u32  order = 0,
const irr::core::matrix4 world = 0,
bool  needFreeMem = false,
const irr::core::rectf cliprect = 0,
const irr::core::array< irr::video::IVideoDriver::SShaderConstant > *  sv = 0 

◆ arsa_AddQueueRendering() [2/2]

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_AddQueueRendering ( irr::scene::ISceneNode node,
irr::u32  order = 0,
bool  needFreeMem = false,
const irr::core::rectf cliprect = 0,
const irr::core::array< irr::video::IVideoDriver::SShaderConstant > *  sv = 0 

◆ arsa_AddSpine()


◆ arsa_AllocateTexture()

ARSA_API irr::video::ITexture* ARSACALLCONV arsa_AllocateTexture ( irr::video::IVideoDriver driver,
irr::video::IImage src,
irr::video::ITexture dead,
const irr::io::path filename 

allocate new gpu texture from system image and keep system image as buffer.

◆ arsa_Base64Decode()

ARSA_API irr::core::stringc ARSACALLCONV arsa_Base64Decode ( const void data,
const size_t  len 

◆ arsa_Base64Encode()

ARSA_API irr::core::stringc ARSACALLCONV arsa_Base64Encode ( const unsigned char *  src,
size_t  len 

◆ arsa_Begin()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_Begin ( )

begin rendering

◆ arsa_BeginMask()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_BeginMask ( bool  clear = true,
bool  clear_depth = true 

mask custom function

◆ arsa_BinaryToString()

◆ arsa_Calculation() [1/2]

ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_Calculation ( const irr::core::stringc expression,
double &  out_value 

Parses the math input expression. Returns true successed

◆ arsa_Calculation() [2/2]

ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_Calculation ( const irr::core::stringc expression,
irr::core::stringc out_value_str 

Parses the math input expression. Returns true successed

◆ arsa_camera()

open camera, filename save on disk (jpg only). successed is true, false is failed.

◆ arsa_clamp_float()

ARSA_API irr::f32 ARSACALLCONV arsa_clamp_float ( const irr::f32  value,
const irr::f32  start,
const irr::f32  end 

◆ arsa_clamp_int()

ARSA_API irr::s32 ARSACALLCONV arsa_clamp_int ( const irr::s32  value,
const irr::s32  start,
const irr::s32  end 


◆ arsa_clamp_vector3df()

ARSA_API irr::core::vector3df ARSACALLCONV arsa_clamp_vector3df ( const irr::core::vector3df value,
const irr::f32  start,
const irr::f32  end 

◆ arsa_Clear()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_Clear ( )

clear all memory

◆ arsa_ClearLogs()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_ClearLogs ( )

clear log to ARSA system

◆ arsa_ClearQueueDrawFont()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_ClearQueueDrawFont ( )

◆ arsa_ClearQueueRendering()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_ClearQueueRendering ( )


◆ arsa_ClearStuckTexture()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_ClearStuckTexture ( irr::video::IVideoDriver driver)

clear and clean stuck texture on irrlicht system :-(

◆ arsa_CloseNowLoading()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_CloseNowLoading ( )

◆ arsa_CommerceInit()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_CommerceInit ( )

init arsa commerce api each platform, don't free

◆ arsa_ConvertToStringW()

◆ arsa_CountChar()

ARSA_API int ARSACALLCONV arsa_CountChar ( const irr::core::stringc s,
char  cc 

count char on string

◆ arsa_CreateAndOpenFile()

ARSA_API irr::io::IReadFile* ARSACALLCONV arsa_CreateAndOpenFile ( const irr::io::path filename)

◆ arsa_CreateAndWriteFile()

ARSA_API irr::io::IWriteFile* ARSACALLCONV arsa_CreateAndWriteFile ( const irr::io::path filename,
bool  append = false 

◆ arsa_CreateMemoryReadFile()

ARSA_API irr::io::IReadFile* ARSACALLCONV arsa_CreateMemoryReadFile ( const void memory,
irr::s32  len,
const irr::io::path fileName,
bool  deleteMemoryWhenDropped = false 

◆ arsa_CreateMemoryWriteFile()

ARSA_API irr::io::IWriteFile* ARSACALLCONV arsa_CreateMemoryWriteFile ( const irr::io::path filename)

◆ arsa_CreateScreenShot()

ARSA_API irr::video::IImage* ARSACALLCONV arsa_CreateScreenShot ( )

create a current scene to screenshort be IImage format, !!!must drop IImage!!! Returns not null successed, null is failed

◆ arsa_Delay()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_Delay ( irr::u32  millisec)

delay with millisec unit

◆ arsa_DeleteFile()

ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_DeleteFile ( const irr::io::path filename)

◆ arsa_Download()

ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_Download ( const irr::io::path my_url,
const irr::io::path filename_ex = irr::io::path(),
irr::u32  download_size_byte = 0 

◆ arsa_draw2DImage()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_draw2DImage ( irr::video::IVideoDriver driver,
irr::video::ITexture texture,
const irr::core::rect< irr::s32 > &  sourceRect,
const irr::core::position2d< irr::s32 > &  position,
const irr::core::position2d< irr::s32 > &  rotationPoint,
irr::f32  rotation,
const irr::core::vector2df scale,
bool  useAlphaChannel,
const irr::video::SColor color 

draw2d image

scale,negativeis flip, not to be 0!

◆ arsa_Draw2DtoMeshBuffer()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_Draw2DtoMeshBuffer ( irr::scene::IMeshBuffer in_out_mb,
irr::video::IVideoDriver driver,
irr::video::ITexture texture,
const irr::core::rect< irr::s32 > &  sourceRect,
const irr::core::position2di position,
const irr::core::position2di rotationPoint = irr::core::position2di(0, 0),
irr::f32  rotation = 0,
const irr::core::vector2df scale = irr::core::vector2df(1, 1),
const irr::video::SColor color = irr::video::SColor(255, 255, 255, 255) 

draw 2d texture to mesh buffer

in_out_mbshould be irr::scene::SMeshBuffer() credit: kiel814 url:

◆ arsa_DrawAllOnce()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_DrawAllOnce ( bool  device_run = true,
bool  include_begin_end = true,
arsaFunc hud = 0 

draw all scenenode immediately on screen

device_runtrue is system run via call g_device->run()
include_begin_endtrue is clear screen via call g_driver->begin() and g_driver->end()
huduser can pass hud pointer function for custom drawing ;-)

◆ arsa_DrawFont() [1/2]

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_DrawFont ( irr::gui::IGUIFont font,
int  x,
int  y,
const irr::core::stringw text,
irr::u32  flags = irr::arsa::EDF_DEFAULT,
const irr::video::SColor color = irr::video::SColor(0xffffffff) 

draw function must queue and automatic draw in arsa_EasyStart() if manual drawing user must call arsa_DrawQueueFont()

◆ arsa_DrawFont() [2/2]

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_DrawFont ( irr::gui::IGUIFont font,
const irr::core::stringw text,
const irr::core::rect< irr::s32 > &  position,
irr::video::SColor  color = irr::video::SColor(0xffffffff),
bool  hcenter = false,
bool  vcenter = false,
const irr::core::rect< irr::s32 > *  clip = 0 

draw font alias to irrlicht font function

◆ arsa_DrawFontPsd()

draw font use position from psd layer

◆ arsa_DrawFontPsdArea()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_DrawFontPsdArea ( irr::arsa::CARSAPsd psd,
const irr::core::stringc layer_name,
const irr::core::stringc area_layer_name,
irr::gui::IGUIFont font,
const irr::core::stringw text,
irr::u32  flags = irr::arsa::EDF_DEFAULT,
const irr::video::SColor color = irr::video::SColor(0xffffffff) 

◆ arsa_DrawLogs()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_DrawLogs ( irr::gui::IGUIFont font = 0,
bool  auto_clear = true 

draw log to screen

◆ arsa_DrawOnce()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_DrawOnce ( int  x,
int  y,
irr::video::ITexture tex 

draw a texture immediately on screen, included begin, end

◆ arsa_DrawQueueFont()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_DrawQueueFont ( bool  auto_clear = true)

clear automatic after draw

◆ arsa_DrawQueueRendering()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_DrawQueueRendering ( bool  auto_clear = true)

◆ arsa_EasyStart()

◆ arsa_End()


end rendering

◆ arsa_EndMask()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_EndMask ( )

◆ arsa_eof()

ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_eof ( irr::io::IReadFile fp)

◆ arsa_ExistFile()

ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_ExistFile ( const irr::io::path filename)

◆ arsa_ExistTexture()

ARSA_API irr::video::ITexture* ARSACALLCONV arsa_ExistTexture ( const irr::io::path filename)

◆ arsa_fgets()

◆ arsa_FloatToString()

ARSA_API irr::core::stringc ARSACALLCONV arsa_FloatToString ( const double  number)

convert float to string with 3 fractional (%.3f)

◆ arsa_fprintf()

ARSA_API int ARSACALLCONV arsa_fprintf ( irr::io::IWriteFile fp,
const char *  str,

◆ arsa_FreeFileToMemory()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_FreeFileToMemory ( void **  dead)

free memory from arsa_OpenFileToMemory().

◆ arsa_FreeRT()

free and remove IRenderTarget from irrlicht system

◆ arsa_FreeRTTex()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_FreeRTTex ( irr::video::IVideoDriver driver,
irr::video::ITexture **  tex 

free and remove ITexture from irrlicht system

◆ arsa_Get2DFrom3D()

get 2d position from 3d vector, depend on virtual screen.

◆ arsa_Get3DFrom2D()

get 3d vector from 2d position pos2D.Z is far value mean maximum position, value is greater then near value from camera

◆ arsa_GetAbsPath()

ARSA_API irr::io::path ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetAbsPath ( const irr::io::path filename)

◆ arsa_GetAlwaysRun()

ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetAlwaysRun ( )

◆ arsa_GetArchiveType()

ARSA_API irr::s32 ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetArchiveType ( const irr::core::stringc archive_name)

◆ arsa_GetBgColor()

◆ arsa_GetBuiltInFont()

ARSA_API irr::gui::IGUIFont* arsa_GetBuiltInFont ( irr::u32  size = 0)


◆ arsa_GetDir()

ARSA_API irr::io::path ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetDir ( const irr::io::path filename)

◆ arsa_GetFile()

ARSA_API irr::io::path ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetFile ( const irr::io::path filename,
bool  keepExtension = true 

◆ arsa_GetFloat()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetFloat ( const irr::core::stringc keys,
irr::core::array< irr::f32 > &  out_floats 

◆ arsa_GetFont()

ARSA_API irr::gui::IGUIFont* ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetFont ( const irr::io::path filename,
irr::u32  size = 28 

◆ arsa_GetFPS()


◆ arsa_GetGdpr()

ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetGdpr ( )

user agreed GDPR

◆ arsa_GetGPS()

get gps, take a time couple millisec for get return latitude and longtitude

string of latitude and longtitude: 45.79956,50.45663

◆ arsa_GetHtmlParams()

◆ arsa_GetInt()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetInt ( const irr::core::stringc keys,
irr::core::array< int > &  out_ints 

◆ arsa_GetManualInput()

ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetManualInput ( )

◆ arsa_GetOffset()

◆ arsa_GetOutside()

ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetOutside ( )

◆ arsa_GetPcxPal()

ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetPcxPal ( const irr::io::path filename,
irr::u8  idx,
irr::video::SColor out_pal 

◆ arsa_GetPlatform()

Use this function to get the name of the platform.

Here are the names returned for some supported platforms : Windows Mac OS X Linux iOS Android

Returns the name of the platform. If the correct platform name is not available, returns a string beginning with the text "Unknown".

◆ arsa_GetPosYSoftKeyboard()

ARSA_API irr::f32 arsa_GetPosYSoftKeyboard ( )

get y axis soft keyboard in PERCENT (%) of whole height screen in pixel mode (!!!NOT dpi!!!)

PERCENT (%) of y axis, -1 is error.

◆ arsa_GetRandomFilename()

ARSA_API irr::core::stringc ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetRandomFilename ( )

return random number with filename as prefix, no extension: ARSA_452361258

◆ arsa_GetRedeemCode()

ARSA_API irr::core::stringc ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetRedeemCode ( )

set user redeem code

get user redeem code

◆ arsa_GetScreenShotPathAndName()

ARSA_API irr::core::stringc ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetScreenShotPathAndName ( )

get a random name of screenshot

◆ arsa_GetScreenSize()

◆ arsa_GetTexture()

ARSA_API irr::video::ITexture* ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetTexture ( const irr::io::path Filename,
bool  use_mem = false 

◆ arsa_GetUserString()

ARSA_API irr::core::stringc ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetUserString ( )

get user string

◆ arsa_GetUUID()

get uuid

◆ arsa_GetUUIDAndPackage()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetUUIDAndPackage ( irr::core::stringc out_uuid,
irr::core::stringc out_package_name 

get uuid and package name

◆ arsa_GetVector2df()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetVector2df ( const irr::core::stringc keys,
irr::core::array< irr::core::vector2df > &  out_vectors 

◆ arsa_GetVector3df()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetVector3df ( const irr::core::stringc keys,
irr::core::array< irr::core::vector3df > &  out_vectors 

◆ arsa_GetVersion()

get version number from all third party library.

as xml format.

◆ arsa_GetWindowSize()

◆ arsa_GetWritePath()

ARSA_API irr::io::path ARSACALLCONV arsa_GetWritePath ( const irr::io::path filename,
irr::arsa::CARSAPsd psd = 0 

get permission path for writing file depend on platform: if send psd then file will base on psd android nothing win32 use psd as main path

◆ arsa_GetZRot()

◆ arsa_Init()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_Init ( irr::IrrlichtDevice device,
const irr::core::dimension2du screensize = irr::core::dimension2du(960, 640) 

arsa_Init must call first and arsa_Quit call when exit program

◆ arsa_Init2DSMeshBuffer()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_Init2DSMeshBuffer ( irr::scene::SMeshBuffer in_out_mb)

◆ arsa_IsDriveLetter()

ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_IsDriveLetter ( const irr::io::path filename)

◆ arsa_IsFloat()

ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_IsFloat ( const irr::core::stringc value)

string is floating point

◆ arsa_IsFloatFractional()

ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_IsFloatFractional ( double  value)

float is has fractional e.g. 1.056

◆ arsa_IsInt()

ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_IsInt ( const irr::core::stringc value)

string is integer

◆ arsa_IsLandscape()

ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_IsLandscape ( )

◆ arsa_IsMaskOk()

ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_IsMaskOk ( )

◆ arsa_IsMaskShow()

ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_IsMaskShow ( )

◆ arsa_IsMathFunction()

ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_IsMathFunction ( const irr::core::stringc expression,
irr::s32  start = 0,
irr::s32 out_pos = 0 

Checking the math input expression. Returns true successed

◆ arsa_IsNumber()

ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_IsNumber ( const irr::core::stringc value)

string are float or integer

◆ arsa_IsPortrait()

ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_IsPortrait ( )

◆ arsa_IsSpace() [1/2]

ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_IsSpace ( const char  value)

is space on this char \0
\t \v \f \r

◆ arsa_IsSpace() [2/2]

ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_IsSpace ( const irr::core::stringc value)

is space on this string (macro on char)

◆ arsa_IsString()

ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_IsString ( const irr::core::stringc value,
irr::s32 out_start = 0,
irr::s32 out_end = 0 

is string between double quote

◆ arsa_IsUrl()

ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_IsUrl ( const irr::io::path my_url)

◆ arsa_IsUTF8()

ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_IsUTF8 ( const irr::core::stringc str)

check string is utf-8 encoding

◆ arsa_IsWhiteSpace()

ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_IsWhiteSpace ( const irr::c8  ch,
const irr::core::stringc replace = irr::core::stringc(" \t\n\r\0") 

is string have white space

◆ arsa_Line2D()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_Line2D ( int  x1,
int  y1,
int  x2,
int  y2,
int  W,
bool  fill,
const irr::video::SColor color,
irr::video::ITexture tex,
irr::video::E_MATERIAL_TYPE  shader 

Draws line 2d with thickness.

◆ arsa_LoadMask()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_LoadMask ( )

depend built-in mask that need call arsa_SetPortrait() or arsa_SetLandscape() before call function.

◆ arsa_Log()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_Log ( const char *  str,


add log to irrlicht

◆ arsa_MakeGUID()

ARSA_API irr::core::stringc ARSACALLCONV arsa_MakeGUID ( bool  with_letter = true)

create GUID number 12345678 9012 3456 7890 123456789012 Returns a 36-character string in the form XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX where "X" is an "upper-case" hexadecimal digit [0-9A-F]. Use the LCase function if you want lower-case letters.

◆ arsa_MaskShow()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_MaskShow ( bool  show)

◆ arsa_MD5()

ARSA_API irr::core::stringc ARSACALLCONV arsa_MD5 ( const unsigned char *  src,
size_t  len 

◆ arsa_MsgBox()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_MsgBox ( char *  str,

show message box

◆ arsa_Notify()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_Notify ( const char *  str,

◆ arsa_NowLoading()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_NowLoading ( const char *  filename,
const char *  msg,
int  num = -1,
int  count = -1 

◆ arsa_openFile()

start openfile dialog

◆ arsa_OpenFileFromServer()

ARSA_API irr::io::IReadFile* ARSACALLCONV arsa_OpenFileFromServer ( const irr::io::path my_url,
bool  usemem = true,
const irr::io::path filename_ex = irr::io::path() 

open file from server, must drop pointer

◆ arsa_OpenFileToMemory() [1/3]

ARSA_API irr::u32 ARSACALLCONV arsa_OpenFileToMemory ( const irr::io::path my_url,
irr::core::stringc out_buf 



not need drop, !!!warrning!!! don't use out_buf.size() because we use memcpy, use return value instread!

size of buffer

◆ arsa_OpenFileToMemory() [2/3]

ARSA_API irr::u8* ARSACALLCONV arsa_OpenFileToMemory ( const irr::io::path my_url,
irr::u32 out_len 

open file from secondary storage to memory
MUST call arsa_FreeFileToMemory() free memory for.

size of buffer

◆ arsa_OpenFileToMemory() [3/3]

ARSA_API irr::u8* ARSACALLCONV arsa_OpenFileToMemory ( irr::io::IReadFile fp,
irr::u32 out_len 

◆ arsa_OpenNowLoading()

ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_OpenNowLoading ( const irr::io::path psd_filename,
bool  psd_only = true 
psd_onlyshow loading screen only loading psd file
loading screen can have built-in layer name on psd file follows:


horizontal animation progress bar start from left(empty) to right(full) support only psd class, counting with number of layers.


horizontal animation loop progress bar start from left to right cannot count progress!


vertical animation loop progress bar start from top to bottom cannot count progress!

how to use

arsa_OpenNowLoading("loading.psd"); // open loading file
g_psd->load("scene1.psd"); // load normal psd file
arsa_CloseNowLoading(); // close loading file when loaded

◆ arsa_OpenURL()

ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_OpenURL ( const irr::core::stringc url,
bool  webapp = false,
bool  use_webbrowser = false 

open url

urlname of website that want to open
webappopen as webapp, default: false
use_webbrowserusing system web browser, default: false
true was successed, false was failed

◆ arsa_OpenXml()

ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_OpenXml ( const irr::io::path filename,
arsa_xml_doc out_doc 

◆ arsa_PackageName()

get packagename

◆ arsa_PhoneCall()

ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_PhoneCall ( const irr::core::stringc phonenumber)

phone call

◆ arsa_PlatformInit()

ARSA_API void arsa_PlatformInit ( )

!!!local used only!!! automatic calling in arsa_Init()

◆ arsa_Poly2D()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_Poly2D ( irr::core::position2di  center,
irr::f32  radius,
bool  fill,
irr::video::SColor  color,
irr::s32  count,
irr::video::ITexture tex,
irr::video::E_MATERIAL_TYPE  shader,
int  start_percent,
int  end_percent 

Draws a filled concyclic regular 2d polygon. param start_percent [1..100], percent of drawing start, if start_percent > end_percent then program reset to 1..100 automatic. and support fill mode only param end_percent [1..100], percent of drawing end, if start_percent > end_percent then program reset to 1..100 automatic. and support fill mode only

◆ arsa_printc() [1/2]

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_printc ( irr::core::stringc out_c,
char *  str,

◆ arsa_printc() [2/2]

ARSA_API irr::core::stringc ARSACALLCONV arsa_printc ( const char *  str,

◆ arsa_Quit()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_Quit ( )

◆ arsa_RandRange()

ARSA_API irr::u32 ARSACALLCONV arsa_RandRange ( irr::u32  nmin,
irr::u32  nmax 

random number between range min -> max

◆ arsa_RandString()

ARSA_API irr::core::stringc ARSACALLCONV arsa_RandString ( irr::u32  len,
bool  number_only = false 

random string

◆ arsa_RemoveAllFont()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_RemoveAllFont ( )

◆ arsa_RemoveFont()

ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_RemoveFont ( const irr::io::path filename,
irr::u32  size 

◆ arsa_RemoveQueueRendering() [1/2]

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_RemoveQueueRendering ( irr::u32  mb_id,
const irr::scene::IMeshBuffer mb,
irr::u32  order 

◆ arsa_RemoveQueueRendering() [2/2]

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_RemoveQueueRendering ( irr::scene::ISceneNode node,
irr::u32  order 

◆ arsa_ReplaceWhiteSpace()

◆ arsa_ResizeImg() [1/2]

ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_ResizeImg ( const irr::io::path filename,
const irr::io::path new_filename,
const irr::core::dimension2du new_size 

◆ arsa_ResizeImg() [2/2]

arsa_ResizeImg need to drop return a new image pointer.

◆ arsa_ResizeTexture()

arsa_ResizeTexture optional or not: to drop return a new texture pointer or call driver->removeTexture()

◆ arsa_RestoreFeature()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_RestoreFeature ( )

◆ arsa_RotatePointAroundPivot()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_RotatePointAroundPivot ( irr::core::vector3df inout_point,
const irr::core::vector3df pivot,
const irr::core::matrix4 m 

◆ arsa_Run()


run timer and event

◆ arsa_SaveFileFromMemory()

ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_SaveFileFromMemory ( const irr::io::path filename,
const irr::core::stringc in_buf,
irr::u32  custom_size = 0 

save data from memory to a file, not need drop.
custom_size == 0 use in_buf.size() , if custom_size != 0 use custom_size instread.

successed or failed

◆ arsa_SaveScreenShot()

ARSA_API irr::core::stringc ARSACALLCONV arsa_SaveScreenShot ( bool  silent = false)

save current screenshot to jpg format

successed will filename and location of saved screenshot, failed return empty string.

◆ arsa_SendDataToServer()

ARSA_API irr::core::stringc ARSACALLCONV arsa_SendDataToServer ( const irr::io::path my_url,
irr::io::IAttributes att = 0 

◆ arsa_SetAlwaysRun()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetAlwaysRun ( bool  enable)

◆ arsa_SetBgColor()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetBgColor ( const irr::video::SColor color)

◆ arsa_SetCamera2D()

set camera to orthogonal projection, Pos.X and Pos.Y is width and height, Pos.Z is far value. this function equivalent camera->setProjectionMatrix(matOrtho); matOrtho can build from buildProjectionMatrixOrthoLH(); comeback to projection matrix use camera->setProjectionMatrix(matProj); matProj can build from buildProjectionMatrixPerspectiveFovLH();

◆ arsa_SetEscExitEnable()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetEscExitEnable ( bool  enable)

◆ arsa_SetFeature()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetFeature ( bool  mipmap,
bool  memcpy 

◆ arsa_SetFPS()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetFPS ( irr::u16  fps = 60)

default = 60

◆ arsa_SetFuncDeInit()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetFuncDeInit ( arsaFunc func)

◆ arsa_SetFuncHud()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetFuncHud ( arsaFunc func)

◆ arsa_SetFuncInit()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetFuncInit ( arsaFunc func)

◆ arsa_SetFuncLoading()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetFuncLoading ( arsaFuncLoading func,
void userdata = 0 

◆ arsa_SetFuncUpdate()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetFuncUpdate ( arsaFunc func)

◆ arsa_SetFuncUpdateInactive()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetFuncUpdateInactive ( arsaFunc func)

◆ arsa_SetFuncUpdatePost()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetFuncUpdatePost ( arsaFunc func)

◆ arsa_SetFuncUpdatePre()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetFuncUpdatePre ( arsaFunc func)

◆ arsa_SetLandscape()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetLandscape ( bool  flip = true)

◆ arsa_SetManualInput()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetManualInput ( bool  enable)

◆ arsa_SetOffset()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetOffset ( const irr::core::vector3df offset)

◆ arsa_SetOutside()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetOutside ( bool  out)

◆ arsa_SetPortrait()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetPortrait ( bool  flip = true)

◆ arsa_SetPortraitLandscape()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetPortraitLandscape ( bool  flip = true)

◆ arsa_SetScreenSize()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetScreenSize ( const irr::core::dimension2du size)

◆ arsa_SetSplashScreen()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetSplashScreen ( const irr::io::path filename)

◆ arsa_SetUserString()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetUserString ( const irr::core::stringc str)

set user string

◆ arsa_SetWindowSize()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SetWindowSize ( const irr::core::dimension2du size)

◆ arsa_SHA256()

ARSA_API irr::core::stringc ARSACALLCONV arsa_SHA256 ( const unsigned char *  src,
size_t  len 

◆ arsa_ShaderConstSize()

return size of shader var

◆ arsa_ShareFile()

ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_ShareFile ( const irr::core::stringc mailto,
const irr::core::stringc subject,
const irr::core::stringc msg,
const irr::core::stringc filename 

share text and file

◆ arsa_SkipWhite()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_SkipWhite ( irr::core::stringc str,
const irr::core::stringc replace = irr::core::stringc(" \t\n\r\0") 

clear white space in string

◆ arsa_SkipWhiteHeadTail()

ARSA_API irr::core::stringc ARSACALLCONV arsa_SkipWhiteHeadTail ( const irr::core::stringc str,
const irr::core::stringc replace = irr::core::stringc(" \t\n\r\0") 

clear white space on head and tail of string

◆ arsa_StringFind()

ARSA_API irr::s32 ARSACALLCONV arsa_StringFind ( const irr::core::stringc src,
const irr::core::stringc str,
irr::u32  start,
bool  reverse 

◆ arsa_StringIntFloatToString()

ARSA_API irr::core::stringc ARSACALLCONV arsa_StringIntFloatToString ( const irr::core::stringc value)

determine and convert string is int or float to string
if string is int cast to int() for convert
if string is float call arsa_FloatToString() because we need 3 fractional only

◆ arsa_StringToBinary()

◆ arsa_TokenArrayNameAndSize()

ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_TokenArrayNameAndSize ( const irr::core::stringc str,
irr::core::stringc out_name,
irr::core::stringc out_size,
irr::core::stringc out_name_end 

token array name and size from string

stroriginal string
out_namename of array as string
out_sizesize of array as string
true is success, false is not

◆ arsa_TokenArraySizeFromString()

ARSA_API irr::u32 ARSACALLCONV arsa_TokenArraySizeFromString ( const irr::core::stringc str,
irr::core::stringc out_name = 0 

token array size from string ex: i[10], return 10 Returns size as integer, 0 is error

◆ arsa_TokenFunction()

use '(' and ')' as token

◆ arsa_TokenParams()

use ',' as token

◆ arsa_TokenString()

ARSA_API irr::u32 ARSACALLCONV arsa_TokenString ( const irr::core::stringc str,
irr::core::array< irr::core::stringc > &  out_str,
const irr::core::stringc tok_chars = " |,",
bool  use_all_tok_chars = false 

default use '|' or ',' or ' ' to token string

◆ arsa_TokenStringBetween()

ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_TokenStringBetween ( const irr::core::stringc str,
irr::core::stringc out_str,
irr::c8  tok_char_start = '"',
irr::c8  tok_char_end = '"' 

use 1 token character as token sign

stroriginal string
out_strstring between token char and no skipwhite
tok_char_starttoken character as token sign at start position
tok_char_endtoken character as token sign at end position
true is success, false is not

◆ arsa_UnZip()

ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_UnZip ( const void zip,
irr::u32  size,
irr::core::array< irr::u8 > &  out_unzip 

◆ arsa_UnZipFromFile()

ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_UnZipFromFile ( const irr::io::path filename,
irr::core::array< irr::u8 > &  out_unzip 

◆ arsa_UpdateTexture()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_UpdateTexture ( irr::video::IVideoDriver driver,
irr::video::IImage src,
irr::video::ITexture tex 

update gpu texture from system image.

◆ arsa_UrlDecode()

◆ arsa_UrlEncode()

◆ arsa_voiceStart()

ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_voiceStart ( const irr::io::path filename)

voice recording start/stop, filename save on disk. true is started recording, false is failed.

◆ arsa_voiceStop()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV arsa_voiceStop ( )

◆ arsa_Zip()

ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_Zip ( const void unzip,
irr::u32  size,
irr::core::array< irr::u8 > &  out_zip 

◆ arsa_ZipToFile()

ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV arsa_ZipToFile ( const void unzip,
irr::u32  size,
const irr::io::path filename 

◆ debug_printf()

ARSA_API void ARSACALLCONV debug_printf ( const char *  str,

unstable function

◆ iap_Buy()

ARSA_API bool ARSACALLCONV iap_Buy ( const irr::core::stringc item_name)

purchase successed is true or failed is false.

◆ iap_Free()


◆ iap_GetPrice()

get price from store

◆ iap_Init()

in-app purchase

Variable Documentation

◆ g_camera

◆ g_device

global var

◆ g_dpad

◆ g_driver

◆ g_fs

◆ g_gui

◆ g_input

◆ g_log

◆ g_lottie

ARSA_API CDXLottie* g_lottie

◆ g_mask_psd

◆ g_psd

◆ g_rand

◆ g_smgr

◆ g_snd

ARSA_API CDXSnd* g_snd

◆ g_timer